Clones and drones are better than the far-out Tom Lippitts

In his profile of Tom Lippitt (High Noon: The Lippitts vs. the Establishment Magazine, April 16), writer Scott Eyman declared that "the Tom Lippitts of the world are eminently preferable to the faceless clones and boring drones proliferating at all levels of our society."


I grant that Lippitt is — to use Eyman's words a "colorful fragment in a drab worla," but then, so is Idi Amin. Frankly, I prefer the "clones and drones" to the farout extremists of the left and right.

In the article, Lippitt is quoted as saying, "as far as I'm concerned, homos ought to be hanged on public square." I believe that homosexuality is an illness, not a crime. The homosexual should be treated for his condition, not condemned to death.


Using Lippittian logic, we might as well execute drug addicts, alcoholics and psychotics.

As a veteran teacher, I resent Lippitt's denunciation of the schools. According to Lippitt, "The schools are teaching immoral sex, sin and socialism." Nonsense! In over 20 years of teaching, I have never taught “immoral sex, sin and socialism,' and I have never encountered any teacher who has.

Although Lippitt professes hatred for Communists, he seems to share their intolerance for any opposing opinion. Like all zealots, fanatics and true believers, Lippitt considers his view of the world as the correct view, the sanctified view, the only view. And heaven help anyone who disagrees!

Larry Bauer Cleveland